About Us

NCLP has charitable status as a not-for-profit organisation which provides educational and welfare-based courses with embedded life skills for young people, parents, and parents to be. We promote partnership working with professionals from government, statutory, community and voluntary organisations.

NCLP logo

We believe that, by working together, the young people of today and the children of tomorrow can and will be the beneficiaries.


How we got started.

  • mother and child


    Our Humble Beginnings

    NCLP, originally YMTB (Young Mothers to Be), was created in 1997 by Gloucester based Prospect Training Services (PTS) as a not-for-profit venture to develop accredited training to support young parents and parents to be. The programme has since evolved, and continues to flourish.

  • mother and child

    2006 - 2010

    Excellent training materials

    NCLP is recognised for the quality and excellence of its training materials, gaining a UK Skills ‘Highly Commended’ national training award in October 2006. In 2010 NCLP worked with Pearson and Ofqual to write the standards and assessment criteria for two programmes: Young Parents to Be (YMTB) [link], which covers from antenatal to 6 months; and Parents with Prospects (PWP) [link] for parents with children from 6 months to 7 years.

  • mother and child


    Support and educate

    The YPTB and PWP programmes are available to support and educate not only younger parents, but all parents in a comprehensive and flexible range of units which provide evidence to achieve qualifications.

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About Our Courses

Some of the courses we provide.

The materials for both awards have been designed in partnership with parents and health and educational specialists and have been named as best practice of early intervention in the Frank Field report.

Both parenting programmes are provided in a one-stop shop package, enabling providers to deliver the highest quality accredited parenting programmes in effective multi-agency partnerships. The programmes are mapped to government standards and address parenting skills, educational welfare and healthcare needs, with embedded life and functional skills.

They are delivered nationally by a variety of organisations and agencies including children’s and probation , Action for Children, Barnardo’s, prisons, the Youth Support Service and various training providers.

Our parent and tutor support resources are of exceptional high quality, with Unit 2 of YPTB approved by UNICEF UK as baby friendly. Tutor support includes comprehensive answers to all questions, guidance to ensure achievement of qualification. Our own quality manager also visits to support delivery of the programme and assessment process.

We take pride in personally supporting the centres delivering our programmes. Feedback suggests that our providers especially value the individual service they receive. By working on a not-for-profit basis, we ensure real value for money for commissioners of parenting programmes.

Programme materials are subject to copyright and are continually monitored and updated to ensure consistency of delivery and quality. Permission to use materials is obtained by annual contract license, and providers can then use the administrative & support resources to develop their own style. We are committed to ensuring excellence in the delivery, assessment and internal verification of the programme.

Click below for more information.

  • • internal verification of portfolios and support visit
  • • initial tutor training
  • • tutor administrative resources
  • • tutor support updates
  • • online documentation
  • • provide practical advice and guidance to help increase skills in the care of a child
  • • enable access to antenatal care and advice which is UNICEF UK – Baby Friendly Initiative approved and does not intimidate or patronise
  • • provide training designed to address specific needs and concerns, for example; breastfeeding, sexual health and contraception
  • • include health education with regard to diet, smoking, drugs, alcohol, etc.
  • • help with numeracy, ICT and communication skills. Tuition is designed for those who have not achieved in these areas
  • • provide a means of bringing together isolated parents
  • • integrate confidence and self-esteem building tasks and assignments.

Further Information

  • Qualifications are achieved by completing the units within training packs. These build into innovative portfolios and reference books packed with information and guidance.

  • NCLP continues to offer outstanding support for all tutor/assessors of both YMTB and Parents with Prospects courses.

  • All of our centre tutor/assessors receive training to guide them through the setting up of their new programme. Tutors are trained in assessment practice and use of the online support materials.

  • There is subject-specific evidence-based evaluation built into the programmes which we feed back to all providers, commissioners, Ofsted and funders.

  • For more information, Contact us for an informal discussion.